Orange-5 Downloads

File Version Date Size Notes
orange5.rar 1.36 15.03.2020 2.18Mb Orange-5 base software
o5tool.rar 1.3 - 398Kb Generator of rectangular pulses, probe, logic analyzer, oscilloscope, emulator for CDC devices.
cncterm.rar 1.20 - 112Kb Terminal program for work with COM ports.
or5demo.rar - - 581Kb Orange-5 base software interface demo

Base software download

Download the base software: orange5.rar
Orange5 v.1.36 15.03.2020 to receive the password mail us your Orange-5 serial number .

1. Extract the software from orange5.rar in any location on your PC
2. Open Windows device manager
3. Connect Orange-5 to PC
4. Find Orange-5 in device manager then right click properties ->Driver->Update driver
5. Navigate to driver location (where you extracted orange5.rar ) there is folder Driver [select subfolder X64 if your OS is 64bit]
6. Install the driver
7. Disconnect and reconnect the programmer in order to allow it to reinitialize.
8. Run the program (orange.exe) [depending on the USER ACCOUNT CONTROL settings of your Windows you might need to run the software as administrator ] and the programmer should initialize properly and run.
If you get message "Hardware not detected", but the Mode LED on top of Orange-5 is solid blue and Orange-5 is shown normaly in device manager , check your USB ports/cable (if overloaded/bad contact/etc the programmer won't run)
If the MODE Led is blinking driver is not installed Disconnect and reconnect again the programmer then go back to step 2.

HPX Archives

Personal Backup Archive

Download and extract your personal archive by constructing a link from from template:

Where XXXX-XXXX represents the last nine symbols of your personal Orange-5 serial number
Password of the archive is device's' full serial number

If Orange-5 serial number is : 1111-2222-3333-4444-5555-6666-7777-8D1A
Then link is:

Within the extract folder are two items:
1.File 3-O5Immo.cfg
2.Folder “O5IMMO”

Installation procedure

Open Orange-5 base software directory (where orange.exe is located) and paste 3-O5Immo.cfg within it.
Then open folder HPL and paste in it from the archive Folder O5IMMO.

After that ImmoHPX functions can be accessed from Orange-5 software:
Select Type->Configuration->3-O5Immo

Personal Backup Archive

Download and extract your personal archive by constructing a link from from template:

Where XXXX-XXXX represents the last nine symbols of your personal Orange-5 serial number
Password of the archive is device's' full serial number

If Orange-5 serial number is : 1111-2222-3333-4444-5555-6666-7777-8D1A
Then link is:

Within the extract folder are two items:
1.File 8-CarRadio.cfg
2.Folder “CarRadio”

Installation procedure

Open Orange-5 base software directory (where orange.exe is located) and paste 8-CarRadio.cfg within it.
Then open folder HPL and paste in from the archive it folder CarRadio.

After that ImmoHPX functions can be accessed from Orange-5 software:
Select Type->Configuration->8-CarRadio

Personal Backup Archive

Download and extract your personal archive by constructing a link from from template:

Where XXXX-XXXX represents the last nine symbols of your personal Orange-5 serial number
Password of the archive is device's' full serial number

If Orange-5 serial number is : 1111-2222-3333-4444-5555-6666-7777-8D1A
Then link is:

Within the extract folder are two items:
1.File 4-Renesas.cfg
2.Folder “HPL”
3.Folder “IMAGE”

Installation procedure

Open Orange-5 base software directory (where orange.exe is located) and paste 4-Renesas.cfg within it.
Then do the same for Folders HPL & IMAGE, when prompted to overwrite select "Yes to All".

After that ImmoHPX functions can be accessed from Orange-5 software:
Select Type->Configuration->4-Renesas.cfg

Personal Backup Archive

Download and extract your personal archive by constructing a link from from template:

Where XXXX-XXXX represents the last nine symbols of your personal Orange-5 serial number
Password of the archive is device's' full serial number

If Orange-5 serial number is : 1111-2222-3333-4444-5555-6666-7777-8D1A
Then link is:

Within the extract folder are two items:
1.File 4-Renesas.cfg
2.Folder “HPL”
3.Folder “IMAGE”

Installation procedure

Open Orange-5 base software directory (where orange.exe is located) and paste 4-Renesas.cfg within it.
Then do the same for Folders HPL & IMAGE, when prompted to overwrite select "Yes to All".

After that ImmoHPX functions can be accessed from Orange-5 software:
Select Type->Configuration->4-Renesas.cfg

During setup follow the Installation Guide.

Check out Orange-5 regarding device's capabilities and functions.